Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bubba's 10 Months!!

Oh my precious baby boy where has the time gone?! I cannot believe that you are 10 months old today!! You are getting bigger and bigger and you are getting smarter and smarter every day! You are doing so many new things, your 9th month of life has been filled with many new adventures!!

You have been to a wedding and a funeral. Momma and Daddy's friends, Brandon Loman and Megan Wilson were married on September 18th. You were such a good little boy--you got several compliments :) And your step great great grandma Cecil Schimmelpfennig passed away on September 12th at the ripe ol' age of 95.

You have 7 teeth now; 4 top ones and 3 bottom ones! You are also all finger foods. You love yogurt, applesauce, french toast, and you tear up grilled ham and cheese! You are starting to get a little particular about your foods :) You are also only using sippies now like such a big boy!! You are still getting breastmilk but because Momma is running low you are also getting Vitamin D as well. You have had absolutely no problems what-so-ever with the regular milk!!

At your last Doctor appointment, which was your 9 month appointment, you were 21 lbs 9 oz (50%), 29 in (70%) and your head was 18 in (60%). You also got your flu shot which wasn't too bad for ya. You only cried until Momma gave you your passy and you had no problems the rest of the day. You also got your little toe pricked to check your iron levels. You were crackin' us up because you would just smile and flirt with the nurse the entire time. It didn't even phase you that you were poked and she was squeezin' your toe for the blood sample! The nurse even stayed in the room for ya when you got your flu shot because you would not take your eyes off of her.

You are already in 12 months clothes. You also wear 3 wide shoes. Momma has to get shoes off the internet because you little feet are too chunky to fit into any of the shoes at WalMart or any other store because most don't carry wides and are crazy expensive.

You still say "dada dada" constantly!! I love it so much!! On September 9th you said "momma" and that was the one and only time! You are starting to say more sounds and you make the craziest faces son and I mean the craziest!!!

You love music!! You dance whenever it plays. Your dancing consists of bobbing your head and it is the cutest thing!!

You are a speed crawler :) You move so fast! You have also started taking steps Bubba!! We have been practicing standing up to get our balance and you just took off and took two steps towards Auntie Lish on your BFF's 2nd birthday!! I was so shocked Buddy and so excited and proud of you!!
You are the joy of my life son and I am so so so SO happy that God chose me to be your Momma!! You are seriously my heart and soul and you make me want to be a better person each and every single day!! My heart aches with the love that I have for you baby boy! You are my world!!

Here are some pictures from the previous month...

1st big boy shower with Daddy at home--you took big boy showers in Cancun but this was your first one at home...

Practicing our balancing skills...

You like to wrestle your frog :)

You also play tea pot in your highchair :) You laugh when Momma sings the song and "tips" over too!!

One day you got into Daddy's Pepsi..I was too slow to get the camera when you held a can up to your mouth lookin' like you were drinkin' it :)

Oh yes, how could I forget, you are CLIMBING!

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