Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Recap

So, I must start out by saying that I am super proud of myself for getting in the hang of taking my new camera with me so I can take pictures of my Bubba so I can blog share this journey with him when he is older!!
Ok, so we all remember this....

So it was really freaking me out because, of course, SIDS and just something terribly wrong happening to my little Bubba!! He loves sleeping like this and I just didn't know what to do about the bumper pads because this is obviously hazardous but I was also worried about him whacking his head or getting his little limbs caught in his crib. However, I came to the realization that I would rather have my Bubba then not. So, the bumper pads were out!! However, the first morning after the pads were removed I wake up to find this....

UM!! Holy cripies I CANNOT have this either!! What if the circulation gets cut out of his legs? What if he gets them stuck and yanks them out of socket? To sum it up, I'm freakin' out about what to do about bumper pads, or no bumper pads, that is the question!! So, I do what I do almost always whenever I have a question about Bubba's many adventures....I it!! They have expert answers. Which, in case you are wondering, the experts say to remove when Jr. starts to pull himself up so that he does not use the bumper pad to stand on, usually between 8 to 10 months. Well we aren't there yet and we are having issues. So, I scroll down to the momma answers! I find a link for Breathable Bumper Pads on The answer to my prayers!! Thank you Jesus!! Now, my little Bubba can get as close as he wants and he can still breathe fresh air because they are mesh--GENIUS!! So, Grani Jani and Aunti Lish were in Springfield Saturday when I found them online and went and scooped them up for me!!! So, when Bubba fell asleep later that night, I had peace of mind! Even when I found this...
Bubba went and stayed with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Ed on Saturday while Momma was at work! He had such a good time!! He played with his toys, Grandma Nancy fed him cereal, they said he just lit up the house when he was there!!!
Bubba also got a new hat! It gets a little windy sometimes when we go on walks so I always try to keep a hat on to prevent ear aches! Well, he's a little hot box so his beanie was makin' him sweat and I could never get the cotton balls to stay in! So, went on down to the local DG and found this bad boy...

Friday night we went to Goodfield for dinner at the Busy Corner. Bubba, Daddy, Auntie Lish, Grani Jani, Grampi Tom, and myself all went to get the most amazing Tollhouse pie celebrate Grampi Tom's new job...Girls Varsity Basketball Coach at Praire Central!! Yeah, it was decided that since Bubba starts veggies this week, Grani Jani would let him sample some mashed up sweet taters. Definitely gagged on a stringy piece. Great, first time and he's gaggin'! Of course, freaked me out! So not ready for my little man to grow up!!!!

self portrait...dang glare ALWAYS

Grani Jani and Bubba on the way to dinner...

Took some naps this weekend...

Took a bath with his new bath toys that Auntie Lish got him while getting the amzing Breathable Bumper Pad...

Great Nanny bought Bubba a new outfit that came with this Peter Pan hat! Haha not really Peter Pan but I didn't have it pulled down all the way and even the top resemebled Peter Pan!

Don't have hardly any pictures of Momma and Bubba so I tried to take a couple self portraits...

I was makin' kissy faces at him and he'd smile so big. Figures, every time I would have the camera ready to snap a shot, he would look at the dang thing! He looks at it when I don't want him to and he doesn't when I do...I hope this is not an indication to our future :)


It was FAMILY DAY on Sunday!!!! So Daddy came and played too!!

Crack me up!! Both making the same face...again!
Oh, how I love my family!!!

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