Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's new...

Our little man is now 19 months old.  He is SO full of life...he's just like his Daddy in so many ways.  He LOVES to be outside and in the garage...he's constantly on. the. go.  The kid does not sit down until it's time to lay down with a sippy before bed which is one of my most favorite times of the day because we just get to snuggle.  He is wearing anywhere between 18 month and 2T clothes.  He's wearing between 6 and 7 shoes...i really need to get him sized real soon!  He's had all of his teeth for quite some time now and I think those 2-yr molars are starting to come in we have had bouts of temp, chewy, and fussy the past few weeks. 

He tries to say everything we ask him and here are a few that come to mind:
"Pees" (Please)
"Take-oo" (Thank you)
His colors; boo (blue); yellow in such a cute way I can't begin to type the way he says it which is the same for orange and purple; he also says red and green
We practice our ABC's and he gets through all of them...SO CUTE!!
Mama was yelling at the dog the other day for barking annoyingly so Jaxin thought he'd chime in with "WOCKO" (Rocko)
When he is finished with something "he-ya-go"
When he wants to show us something "ook" (look)
When he's unsure "whasat" (what's that?)
We've been getting alot of "MOM!" "HEY!" "NO!"...yeah. nice. i know :)

He's also been introduced to time outs and the occassional spankin' that usually follows a "JAXIN RAY!" or a "JAXIN RAY JAMES!"

These are just some randoms from the past few days...

He has been trying to sit in his bumbo alot lately which just so happens to be in his closet :)

Helping Daddy check the drain...

Just making sure ha!

Oh brother!

We've discovered ketchup...

Just kickin' back...

Fresh spray tan perhaps?! haha :)

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