Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Boy!!! Not quite, but close enough, 3 month update!!

So my little man is growing sooo fast!! On Wednesday, Feb. 24, he sat in his bumbo seat all by himself!! Momma was so proud of him!! I can't believe he is almost three months old already! Time is flying by so fast!! So, due to his new found talent of sitting up by himself, we now have bumbo time along with tummy time!! He is also loving to "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy" and he smiles sooo big whenever you say "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy" when he jumps!!
Our days are spent playing...he plays with his lion and his bear and he starts hitting them and he talks to them. He still loves his swing so much and that cute little baby that talks back to him in his mirror!! He has also started watching the pictures in the books when Momma reads to him too!! Jaxin also loves bath time!! He always flops his little leg over the side of his hammock in his tub and kicks and splashes inthe water!! Oh, and he LOVES American Idol which makes Momma so happy!!!
Jaxin has now slept through the night for two whole weeks straight!!!! I hear this is a little early to be on such a great schedule! And to be honest, I do sort of miss our little late night rondezvous but I'm so happy that he sleeps so well!! He usually sleeps from 9:30-10ish until around 6-630ish. And he sleeps so deeply that he sort of snores...sooo cute!! After he gets up around 6, he goes back to sleep and does his every three hour feedings until about 12 and then he stays up for a while only taking a few cat naps here and there until he goes to bed at night!!
A few concerns at his three month age are that his little feet are turning in just a smidge. We hear that it's because his inside ankle muscles are strengthening quicker than his outside ankle muscles. So, whenever he is sitting with us, we just have to straighten out his ankle and work his outside ankle muscles to get them just as strong!! Also, last night, there was a smidgen of blood in his poopy diaper so we have to take him to the dr. I called Dr. Weaver last night after I saw and he said that his little butt could just have gotten dry since it's cold out, like a cracked knuckle, but to bring him in just to be safe. I put a little vaseline on his tush for him but he was acting normal. Smiling and "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy" with Daddy while I was on the phone with Dr. Nothing to be too concerned about but we just need to make sure!!!
Such a big boy...

Look at my two men...they even sit the same!!! Crack me up!! HAHAHA!!


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