Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Baby is 1!!!

One year ago today I became a Momma to the happiest most beautiful baby in the whole wide world!!! He is my heart and my soul and he makes me want to be the best person that I can possibly be. I thank God each and every single day that He chose me to be his Momma!!

Oh Jaxin Ray James, I can't even put into words the love that I have for you. Every day you bring more and more joy into my life with your big ol' smile that just lights up the room.

The last time we went to the doctor you weighed 23 lbs 10 oz. You've had 3 ear infections and are still in the process of getting over a cold. You have 8 teeth but I'm pretty sure you're workin' on more because you are constantly chewin' and slobberin'...sometimes you use me as a teether and your little teeth are SO sharp!!

You are still wearing size 12 month clothes but are also wearing 18 month jammies. You also wear 5.5 wide shoes.

You are doing pretty good eating, eating pretty much whatever we have to eat. There for a couple days all you wanted was bread and yogurt because you were sick...other than that you do really well with food.

You are walkin, walkin, walking little man!! You are all over the place and are always followin us around...it's so cute! It's really hard for Momma to get things done though because you are right there with me and want whatever Momma has...you are my little helper :)

Your most favorite thing to do is read books...we would read books all day if we didn't have things to do! You love going to Sunday school with the big kids where you sing and dance and do crafts. You love, love, love to play in the nursery with the little workshop. This past Sunday, you waved bye to me for the first time when I dropped you off in the nursery.

You had your first birthday party and you had such a great time!! Momma will post about it soon once I get all of the pictures uploaded...Auntie Lish took over 200 pictures :)

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