Monday, November 1, 2010

Monkey Man's 1st Halloween!!

We had such a great time taking Bubba trick-or-treating on his 1st Halloween!!! He did just fabulous with his costume...the monkey hat part was driving him nuts on occasion but we took it off plenty of times for him to get a break!!

He got so many goodies!! Momma was a smidge bummed about not getting enough candy to satisfy my sweet tooth but hey that's ok...we have plenty more years of trick-or-treating :) But got lots of new books, jammies, sippy, baby food snacks, cereal bars, a new tooth brush, and some candy!!

We went all over. We started and Papa Crabber's house then went to Great Nanny's, Uncle Terry and Aunt Carol's, Letty's, Neighbor Barbara's, and Grandma and Grandpa Baker's house. Grandpa Baker had on a scary mask that would squirt blood through the mask and Bubba couldn't get enough of it...he kept wanting to play with the teeth on it...I don't know what his fascination with teeth is about?!

Buzz Lightyear jammies!!

He just LOVES books!!

Couldn't quite get a real good pic with Auntie Cass who was a butterfly...

Other exciting little baby also turned 11 months old on Saturday!! I can't believe time is flying by SO fast!!!

He is eating more and more new foods. He loves Momma's sweet tater fries!! He's also been eatin nanners like a big boy :)

He still has 7 teeth but he is working on the 8th one with is a bottom one...looks like it could poke thru at any minute!!

He is still wearing mostly 12 month clothes...a couple of his jammies are 18 months because he chunky monkey feet are so stinkin' big...oh yeah, he is wearing size 5 EXTRA wide still..holy cripes!!!

He is walking more and more, getting more and more brave with every step!! He will walk away from the furniture all on his own and can go pretty far all by himself!! Momma is so proud of you litle man!!

He also LOVES LOVES LOVES to read books!! Seriously he will grab a book and then come sit on my lap so we can read it!! We have some books that are song type books that Momma sings and he stinkin' precious!!

He for sure knows what "no" means. He even knows when he is doin' something that he is not supposed because when you go to get him he will hurry up and try to get away smilin'...little stink pot :)

Oh my precious baby I love you with everything that I have and I can't believe in just four short weeks from today you are going to be 1 year old!! So bittersweet for your Momma!!

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