Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Little to catch up on AND....Bubba is 4 months old!!!

Ok so it's been a few weeks since I've been on here. And to tell you the truth, for me, blogging is a bit intimidating!! I'm new at this blogging business but even more so, I'm a beginner for technology as well. For example, all of my pictures are in one folder because I have not learned the ability to create a new file to keep my pictures organized!!! Good thing that when I actually get them on the computer, they sort themselves out by date so that helps a TON!!

So enough about my technology illiteracy...some crazy business has been going on around here!! So about a week after I got over my wonderful episode of Mastitis, I woke up at about 2 am on a Tuesday morning with what I thought was heartburn. Holy cripies it was not heartburn!! I had to walk rather quickly to the bathroom to uh, graciously donate my dinner to the bottom of the toilet!! So by about 4 am I had ralphed up about everything I had in my stomach down to the bile... nast-ey! (I counted 10 trips between 2 and 5) It was now coming out both ends and as gross as it may seem, it totally was!! I was on the thrown with a bucket in my lap hahaha I was a site to see!! While dry heaving my lovey says so lovingly (ha sarcasm) "Babe, why do you sound like that? Are you gagging yourself" Oh yes, I love doing this to myself!! I call my sister at work, she works third shifts, and tell her that there was no way I wanted to be around Jaxin after being like this not knowing what was going on...I thought I had food poisoning it hit me so bad so fast! She proceeds to tell me that she feels the same way...cripes what was I going to do?! So then my amazing mother, who I could never thank enough for coming to my rescue, calls me at 6 and the first thing I say is "Can you come take care of Jaxin?" Little did I know that he was going to have to stay with her for TWO NIGHTS!!! As much as it bothered me that I couldn't take care of him, I was so grateful that I had a mother who I knew would take care of him. I did not leave the bed but to pee once and to tie a pair of pj's around my face and put germ-x on my hands to get Jaxin a passy!! My mom had to run out during his nap to take my sister the necessities for the know, sprite, etc. Well, Jaxin is more of a cat napper. He woke before she got home and he started getting angry so Momma had to do something for my little man because he was starting to cry real tears!

Anywho, Jaxin went just about everywhere with Grani Jani! He helped her clean bottles...

He helped her get some work done...

Had a bit of a blow out which required a bath and for Grani Jani to wash her sheets! This was a blowout that came after about two days of no pooping so you can imagine!!

He loves sprawling out to sleep!!

Oh yeah, and of course, Momma misses a first, he finally found his footsie!! And no, he has not done this since!! Oh well, at least he found it!
So along with Bubba finding his footsie for the first time, he turned 4 MONTHS OLD!!! His "birthday" was on the 30th. Kinda crazy because it was a year to the day that I found out I was pregnant with our little bundle of joy and we were also at the same place where I found out I was pregnant...Auntie Goo and Uncle Biiig Boooone's house :) Jaxin is getting so big and doing more and more new things. We have not yet gone to his 4 month check up, that is the 8th! But we are super excited about starting him on cereal...Daddy is still working on the high chair. As I type this, it is put together but the pads are not on it yet. Anywho, some of the new things that Jaxin loves to do are talking to that handsome baby in the mirror...

He loves doing push-ups with Auntie Lish...

Sitting in his new seat that Auntie Lish got him and playing with his toys...

Going for walks with Momma and wearing his shades. Which, by the way, he has never fussed over them or even touched them!! He loves his cool dude shades!!

hehe, to re-emphasize the cool-dudeness of the shades...

Jaxin loves to play on his matt and he especially loves his blue whale...

and Jaxin loves, loves, loves his froggy and to "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy"...

As much as it pains my heart to see my little man get bigger and bigger way to fast, I am so greatful that he is a healthy baby boy who is happy, seriously ALL the time!! I didn't know what I was going to do before he came into this world and now I cannot imagine what I would do without him!!! I love him and his Daddy more and more every day!!!

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