Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Such a happy baby my Bubba is...

So we had a pretty good past weekend!! Our fun started on Thursday when Jaxin, Auntie Lish, Great Great Uncle Terry, and myself went to go see Avatar 3D. It was such a great movie and Jaxin had so much fun!! He wanted to sit on my lap and watch the movie...then he decided he wanted to eat....and then he would take little cat naps--cat naps so he wouldn't miss too much of the movie!!
Saturday was a bit ruff for Momma. I woke up not feeling to hot and went in to get Jaxin because he had woke up and was ready to eat! Holy sweet mother of pearl, when I picked him up, I winced sooo bad because my left ta hurt like no other. I went to work feeling like I had the flu, not tying in the flu like symptoms with a sore breast. Grani Jani told me I should probably call the Dr. and good thing I did because she said it sounded like I had Mastitis....swell!!! I never had a temperature, just had the chills and ache-y ALL over!!
We had already made plans with Adam's family to go see Alice in Wonderland. I took Tylenol before we went and was good for a while. By the time the movie was over, I could not even lift Jaxin's car seat into his base! I felt so weak. Any who, Jaxin absolutely LOVED the movie. He sat up on my lap and got so excited kicking his legs and flinging his little arms around with excitement!! He was talking and talking and talking. At first it was really cute because he was talking to the Red Witch when she same on the screen. '"OhhhOhhh" he kept saying. Daddy finally told me to put his bink in his mouth hahaha. So, when that didn't work, because he was just so happy and wanted to share with everyone how much he was loving the movie, I took him down to change his pants to give us a little break and so he could get all of his talking out. I told him that he could talk all he wanted because it was better than screaming!! When we came back up, he was ready to eat. It melted Momma's heart that her baby boy was having such a great time and being such a wonderful boy!! Hey-three movies in three months of life and have not been booted..I'd say we do pretty good!!!
Sunday, I woke up feeling much worse! I couldn't even pick Jaxin up out of his crib. So, Auntie Lish came to get Jaxin for church and took him to Grani Jani's afterwards for lunch so Momma could get some rest! Even though I missed Jaxin more than anything, I knew he was having a great time!!
Jaxin loves his Grampi Tom...who, by the way, holds him more than anyone else when Jaxin goes to visit!
Jaxin also learned how to do some Wii Just Dance with his cousin Lauren.
When he got home, Grani Jani had given Jaxin some rings and he absolutely loves them...we are working on his small motor skills so he is grabbing and inserting into mouth his rings on a daily basis now...
So my wonderful sister gave me a camera that took a crap so I had to get a new one! Auntie Goo informed me of her wonderful camera so I went out and purchased the same - because I oh so trust her!! - on Monday and this is the first picture I was so excited to take with it...
a little blurry because Momma got zoom happy but isn't he OHHH so precious!! So, Auntie Goo informed me of this little trick where you can hold the button down halfway before you take a picture so one, it is focused, and two, you can wait for the perfect shot. However, there is a red light that turns on while the button is only pushed half way down. In theory, this is great because of one and two above. However, it terrifies my son....
So Monday night, I wanted to share in the excitement of my new camera and I knew Auntie Goo would appreciate, so Jaxin and Momma went to visit the West household after we left Grani Jani's--Grani Jani went with us to the Dr. for Momma's appointment and to Wally World to get the camera. We had so much fun, I love visiting my second family!! Jaxin got to meet *** Ronnie for the first time so that was exciting!! Jaxin loved visiting his Auntie Goo...

they talked about so many things...
and they laughed a bunch...
and we tried to take a picture with bff Keller and this is the best we got...love it!!

So after a long and eventful day, we went home for bath night! And let me just say that I love it so much when Daddy helps!! Look at my men!!!

My little Bubba loves his bath time...

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