Tuesday, May 26, 2009

12 weeks

How far along? 12 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 11 lbs....I'm gonna be one of those moms that gains 100 lbs at this rate!
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah...had to pull out the belly band so Momma doesn't have to button her pants ;)
Stretch marks? No, thank God!
Sleep: Oh ya know, I get up once in the middle of the night to pee. I can no longer sleep in and wake up starving!!
Best moment this week: To see Peanut's heart beat, suck his/her thumb, and streeeetch! So cute!!
Movement: Not feeling anything but did get to see Peanut kick in the sono!!
Food cravings: Bought four new boxes of cereal!! Note, have someone else go down the cereal isle from now on ;)

Gender: Not sure at this point in time!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
What I miss: This week, after seeing a bunch of tan people, laying in a tanning bed for 20 minutes!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: To start looking somewhat presentable during belly photo shoots ;)
Milestones: BABY HAS A NOSE BONE!!! We were told this is a good sign for not having Downs Syndrome!

This was the best sono picture Momma and Daddy got!! See the nose bone!!!!!

From up above, and no Auntie Lish, there is not more than one...at this point (I'll finish your thought ;)

Peanut has teeth holes.. I guess you could say!!

Nice flippin' hair...

Once again, nice hair...can you tell it was a humid day...;)

Couldn't believe the difference between 6 weeks and 12 weeks!! You sure are stickin' out there Peanut!!!
Momma can't wait to see you keep growing!!!!!

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