Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Bubba is 5 Months Old!!!

Oh my precious little baby, you are growing up SO fast! Momma cannot believe how fast time is flying by and all the new things that you are doing! You belly laugh now whenever we lightly tickle your back! You are still sleeping through the night! You love to read books and listen to music! You even have big boy poops now that you are eating more than just Momma's milk! Hahaha, gross I know but it is still something new for you!! And because I still have prego brain, here are the stats from your 4 month check up; Height: 25.5 in (75%), Weight: 15 lbs.14 oz. (75%), Head Circumfrence: 16.5 in. (50%). Momma had to take you to go see Dr. Toohill yesterday because you still have a bit of a cold--nothing to fret about. We just have to suck your nose with the nose-sucky-thingy and keep the humidifier in your room. So, your official 5 month weight is 16 lbs. 12 oz. You are growing so fast!!! Oh, and just so you know, the last time you went to the Dr.'s office, you peed all over the scale bahahahaha!

Grani Jani got you a new hat that says "Boys Rule" and you look like such a big boy in it!!

Here you are sitting up...this is not the only time you've sat up like this by yourself but it is the only picture I have of it...sorry for the duplicate picture :)

Once again, sorry for the duplicate picture but yes, you still sleep with your head buried in between your bumper pad and mattress!!

You still LOVE to go for walks!! I got you this new hat to keep your little Papa Crabber ears from the wind!

The other night, Momma had just got done pumping and you decided to wake up for a night cap so we had to give you a bottle. You just grabbed that thing and didn't let go and you did it all by yourself little man!!

So, since you can hold your bottle like a big boy, we decided to let you try the sippy that Grani Jani got for you...action shot of you trying to get hold of it!

You got hold of it with a little help from Grani Jani to tip it up for ya!

Since you are now five months old, you have started VEGGIES!!!! Your first try with veggies was the sweet tatters that you gagged on a stringy piece!!

But then you had a fun filled night of green beans with Momma and Daddy on your 5 month birthday!! You were so excited!!

You and Daddy were always smiling and making each other laugh while Momma was getting your green beans ready and taking pictures!!!

Uh, too cute little man!!

EEEK, Momma's little man!!!

First bite....

Like a baby eatin' lemmons :)

Every time you would take a bite, you would make that face then have a full body shiver! Then you'd open your mouth and smile for more hehehe! Daddy's turn...

You would crack up when Daddy would play airplane with your spoon!

Yum! Yum!

Ok, due to the light pouring in from the window, your eyes look freaky in this picture but this was the day you started squash!! Momma was the only one home so all the pictures I got were extremely blurry and this is the best one!

Then, today, you started carrots!!!!

Momma is more messy then you are baby :)
You are growing up way too fast little buddy! Feel free to back-er-down a few notches for Momma!! I love you more than I could ever put into words!! You are my shooting star, baby!! You make me strive to be the best Momma I can possibly be and I love you more and more every day!!!

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