Thursday, December 1, 2011


I cannot believe our little man is TWO today!!!  He is getting huge and he is learning and doing so many new things!!

clothes: 3T pants and 24 months - 3T shirts
shoes: 7.5W - 8

new sayings:
 "come ee-ah" (come here with little hand waving)
"do it" (our child is already spoiled by the awesomeness of the dvr that when a commercial comes on he -wants us to fast forward...we are in BIG trouble when live tv is on)
 "pass" (note to self...get rid of the dang thang before they start asking for it)
"taw-bee" (strawberry milk)
nie-nite (nite-nite)
"mote" (remote-when he wants a movie which lately has been either "buzz" or "car")

things he likes:
drawing - "cirk" (cirlcle), "nake" (snakes), "choo choo" (trains), "tar" (star), and "BUG-EE" are his favorites he likes mommy to draw with his "mark" (markers)
watching movies (which mommy loves) - his favorites right now are "buzz" (Toy Story 3) or "car" (cars)
-loves to "shake u booty, shake u booty"
play w/ his "choo choo" track he got from some very dear friends :)
wrastleing and playing on the bed with daddy
look at books
his cars
his cars chair, rocking chair, and new toy story couch
putting money in his piggy bank

things he doesn't like:
there aren't really too many things that he doesn't like...
doesn't like to have his pass taken away
doesn't like to take his medicine all the time (when he doesn't have his allergy medicine his little eyes get red and his skin breaks out :(
sharing is becoming an issue...

fun memories and new doings:
i will always want to remember when we were walking into the house one night and he looked up and yelled "i see the moon" clear as day and it melted me!
he is starting to go potty on the big boy potty much more frequently when we ask him if he needs to go
he saw a spider crawling on the floor one night in our kitchen and went "ewww bug-ee"
when he gives hugs he says "squeeze" and holds real tight
when we are in his room before bed and i'm saying prayers and singing his songs and lays his head on my shoulder and rubs my back or pats it :)
when we talk to aunti lish on skype he always gives her kisses...we have a pretty wet screen sometimes :)
he's starting to count very well!
we like to look in books and point out what we see and make the animal noises along with the actions :)  if anyone remembers peekster doin the elephant in middle school you can imagine how cute our little man is doing the same thing...and yes jess i taught him to do it just like you :)
he's starting to try to put on his socks and shoes by himself
it cracks me up when he sits and picks out his toe jams...not sure where he got that from :)
he is officially getting timeouts now and getting better at them!

things we need to get rid of but mommy is in denial that her baby is now a little boy:
his high chair...maybe i'm just a bad mother but it's easier to wrangle him and make dinner and clean up the kitchen with him in it and in the mornings when i'm running late and need to get myself ready!
his crib...just not ready for the big boy bed!

oh big boy, i can't tell you how much you truly are a blessing to your mommy and daddy.  we love you SO much that words cannot even express the love and joy that you bring to us each and every single day!!  you truly are our precious gift from God.  you have changed your momma's world and i couldn't be more proud and more privileged that God has chosen me and your daddy to be your parents.  you're growing up so fast and i soak up every day because one of these days you will be a grown man and momma will have to let you go...i'm SO thankful that we have a couple of more years before that :)

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